I’ve never been a believer in reincarnation, but this Christmas I had the pleasure of reverting to a previous life before the vicissitudes of adolescence gained a grip.
Father Christmas is a generous and deeply perceptive individual, as my gift of a Gamecube testifies. I ripped off the wrapping to find myself presented with an obsolescent piece of technology, of interest only to the sad saps that retrieve their N64’s from the attic to have another bash at ‘The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time’. In the world of the Xbox 360 and the PSP, it was surely an insult to present anyone with this cute little toy that most retailers stopped stocking a couple of years ago.
My scepticism was short lived. The Cube was emblazoned with the legend: ‘Resident Evil 4’. I cranked the game up with the expectation of lumbering zombies annoying me while I searched for ammunition and a typewriter to save my progress. Instead I was confronted with hoards of psychotic East European residents (or perhaps they hailed from Basingstoke, it’s hard to tell) intent on ensuring my demise.
Resident Evil 4 is the best game I’ve played in years. It’s available on the Playstation, but the beauty of the Gamecube is that a Zelda game is to be released in the Spring.
Sometimes a console is worth buying just for one game. The Gamecube may be worth buying for two. I am relishing the prospect of a swansong.
Christmas Day was ace. I went for a ride on my bike, scoffed some turkey, and sat down to watch Doctor Who. It’s great being twelve.
About tradition, etc
3 days ago