Since Wyndham and Sniffer have buggered off on holiday, and Herge is presumably still experiencing technical difficulties, I will take this opportunity to inform my remaining readership (the poor deluded souls) of my cat Oscar's progress.
He went under the knife yesterday. The vet removed what he described as "a nasty, aggressive growth". The cancer had spread to the lymph nodes, so he removed those as well. A sample of the tumour has been sent away for biopsy and I should know the results by Friday. I am not feeling overly optimistic, but the vet is confident that he has removed all traces of the tumour. Even if the cancer is malignant, he feels that there is still a chance that there may be no recurrence.
I was going to post a photo; but in his current bandaged and bedraggled state, Oscar is not at his most photogenic. He went into the garden today, and ate a little food, so he will hopefully be his usual perky self before too long.
I was supposed to be going to Edinburgh this week, but Oscar's illness has put paid to that. Never mind. I'd probably have spent far too much money; anyway, there's always next year.
About old films
4 days ago
Get well soon Oscar.
We're thinking of you Ocscar. Give him a little scratch behind the ears.
rub his little nose and nuzzle his head for me. Hope all goes well.
He is much more active today and his appetite is back to normal. I'm not supposed to let him out though. This is a real pain. I have fashioned a cat lead from string. He is not best pleased with this arrangement.
oh dear string cat lead..hmm. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Hope Oscar is on the mend. Don't worry about Edinburgh its filled to the brim with Ozzies anyway.
oh the poor doll baby!
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