Of all the post war British generation of rock stars, he was always the most questing and articulate.
He spoke directly to his audience and was loved for it. The Who had an audience who felt that they were one with the band. The rest of the stadium rockers were aloof, jet-setting rock aristos who really couldn't give a flying fuck about their fans. They just saw dollar signs.
He has led a pretty tortured existence at times. During a particularly intense period of self loathing in the early 80's he was addicted to heroin, and drinking five bottles of cognac a day (he spilt a lot).
He has had a broader artistic range than most of his contemporaries; collaborating with Ted Hughes on the stage version of 'The Iron Man', and acting as an editor for the publisher Faber and Faber.
He has had his own website since the early days of the net, and predicted the impact, including the more prurient aspects, which it would have today,
I came across some interesting comments about blogging on Pete's website which are worth quoting:
" This is not a blog to which you can reply, or send a comment, or were you can tell me you think I need to turn up my amplifier, or write another WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN, or that I am just fine as I am. I may start one of those one day. When I cranked up this website, knowing that one day everyone would be able to have one very much the same, free Blog sites were not available. They are a miracle. They make the world smaller. We can sail in the cockpit, we can hitch on the flatbed lorry, drink and smoke and tell our stories and we will remember each other. Even if we hear a million names, and see a million faces - and believe me when I say this is true because this is my experience - we will remember them all, some of them very well indeed. Blogs make the world smaller. Not everyone will agree that's a good thing, I think it is".
Smart bloke that Townsend lad. He'll go far.
Yeah, he might make it big by the time he's a geriatric.
ok don't know what to say to that other you have great taste in music.
What do you mean by the time he's a geriatric, half the bands dead already...
Gonna have to link to you mate, tunnocks teacakes are the best, forget Ambrosia, the Gods eat Tunnocks teacakes.
became addicted after working in glasgow for a year, I'm a helpless addict. And after years of practice I can suck out all the marshmallow without mre than a small hole in the coccie, impresses the girls that trick ;o)
Of the two dead ones, one died before he got old, the other died after snorting cocaine and cavorting with strippers.
The two remaining are clean living old codgers. A bit embarrassing seeing them on stage, but they aren't as decrepit as the Strolling Bones.
As a fellow teacake afficianado I salute you.
They are a miracle. They make the world smaller. We can sail in the cockpit, we can hitch on the flatbed lorry, drink and smoke and tell our stories and we will remember each other.
I know that if it weren't for my blog I would probably still be considering the personal extermination of my own life. Then I would have missed out on my family, loved ones and all of the wonderful people I have met around this spinning orbital ball of rock. I truly love you all. You have helped to bring light and life into my heart. m.
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