The German word ‘schadenfreude’ has no direct translation in English. It means to take pleasure in the misfortunes of others.
It’s not a very attractive trait to revel in the difficulties of others, and not one that most of us would readily admit to. If we’re honest though, I think most of us would have to admit to feeling a slight twinge of satisfaction when we hear that a celebrity has fallen flat on their face, or is suffering from an embarrassing malady.
Apparently the impossibly good looking Jude Law is gradually going bald. So concerned by his thinning locks is Law, that he has resorted to various homeopathic potions in a vain attempt to halt the inevitable. His efforts will of course be futile, and he will have to resign himself to a future as a chrome dome, or resort to wearing a rug on his bonce.
Law has always struck me as a rather vain individual. It’s easy to imagine the angst that he must be experiencing as he contemplates the loss of his crowning glory. I suppose that we should feel sorry for him, but I have to admit that I had a slight chuckle to myself when I heard the news.
Perhaps there is some justice in this world after all.
see also will young (hair weave), brian mcfadden (dodgy do) and david platt off of corrie (and he's only twelve).
who'd be a boy?
And Gail Porter. Her pink mohican is actually rather fetching.
she is a serious fruitloop, that one. as in "hide the paracetamol, porter's on her way".
The thing I hate about Jude Law is that he's fucking useless. He can act. But no charisma. He makes Clive Owen seem like Jack Nicholson.
Anyone that allows their arse to be displayed on the side of The Houses of Parliament has to be a bit doolally hatstand.
Jude Law is a nanny shagging smug git.
I used to think he was OK a few years back, but I think he's become a bit too fond of himself - believing a little too much in the hype.
Oh well, he'll just have to learn how to grow some muscles, shave his head and wear a dirty vest: Jude Law is John Mclane in Die Hard 4 - Dye hardest yet.
The only joy I get from life is through the occasional dose of schadenfreude.
I still have most of my hair. But I am ugly, so whatchya gonna do?
Jude Law is a wanker.
And Ugly
And A Nob
I said so, so it must be true.
I think Herge is very handsom. More to the point, he also very attractive because of his talents, his sense of humour and his intelligence (same goes for you Garfer). And neither of you are nobs. When all's said and done, you two have got a lot more going for you than old Jude there.
Unfortunately Jude has got more dosh than us.
I thought bald men were supposed to have more fun as it attracted the ladies?
Bastard. Hope he keeps it.
Jude Law is a wanker.
Herge is definitely cute, smart, charasmatic and has a great weiner.
Garfer is hilarious, intelligent, and charismatic don't know if he's got a weiner though.
I like bald men. They're extremely sexy. Apparently, they're oozing with testosterone and animals in the sack. So I've heard that is.
Piggy and Tazzy are bald(ish) April. Ufortunately I don't think they'd be interested.
Do you have fantasies about Danny de Vito? I think you should share.
Danny de Vito? Oh you sick and twisted bastard.
And yes, you cheeky twat - while we may appear bald, we actually have shaved (or near enough) heads.
And you are correct, we animals in the sack.
And yes, you are correct again, April would be fun under the sack, but only as part of a party game.
Do you and Tazzy having matching sacks Piggy? You both wear them over your heads in case one falls off then you're covered. Har har har har.
God... I've got to go get ready for work. Quit bothering me.
more money than talent :o)
Yes, but he's fucking gorgeous. GOR-geous. Mmmm mmm mmmmmmmmmmmm. I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers. Yum. Shagalicious.
Jude Law tops the short list of "Men I Would Love To Have Hot Monkey Sex With." I haven't started working on the women's list yet, but since I spent the weekend with three other women, I just may develop one...
I've only seen a picture of Herge kissing Dixon, and never seen a picture of Garfer. C'mon out, boys!
First April comes out as a bald fancier and now you follow suit.
I'd tear my hair out, but then I'd be bald to.
Hey, he's not bald yet! Until he is, then it's shag city!
see, I have always thought that he was a vain one, but ya know what? That's what makes him so impossibly lovely....I loves me some Judey!
oh and herge? I'd be doing an injustice to my husband as well as yourself if I didn't say you look great baby!
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