This is a test. When I try to view my blog I am presented with a blank screen.
About old films
4 days ago
Spreading the gospel according to Tunnocks of Uddingston,Scotland; creators of the finest confection/biscuit known to mankind. Currently kebabless, rootless and temporarily boozeless.
This is a test, to see that my comment appears.
On this post which might not exist.
And Yay! I might possibly be first!
First and probably last.
Everything seems to be ok now. Blogger has been behaving rather strangely recently.
What is going on? So many people seem to be having trouble lately. Mine keeps hazing in and out of a demented netherworld. Or is it just my poor eyesight...
And I've just tried to leave these comments and can't. HELP!
I thought you had made a b-line for the side door. I couldn't access you for the past couple of days.
Tis weird, and this happens to me, but posting a test post often shifts things along again.
Worryingly, I sometimes get forty-odd comments when I post a "This is a test" post.
I seem to remember that you sat on your keyboard once and got loads of comments!
What is your secret, apart from your cleavage (obviously)?
I've no idea Garfer, I really haven't.
Psyhotherapy might be a possibility, but hell, you don't want to ruin the magic.
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