I’ve never been a believer in reincarnation, but this Christmas I had the pleasure of reverting to a previous life before the vicissitudes of adolescence gained a grip.
Father Christmas is a generous and deeply perceptive individual, as my gift of a Gamecube testifies. I ripped off the wrapping to find myself presented with an obsolescent piece of technology, of interest only to the sad saps that retrieve their N64’s from the attic to have another bash at ‘The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time’. In the world of the Xbox 360 and the PSP, it was surely an insult to present anyone with this cute little toy that most retailers stopped stocking a couple of years ago.
My scepticism was short lived. The Cube was emblazoned with the legend: ‘Resident Evil 4’. I cranked the game up with the expectation of lumbering zombies annoying me while I searched for ammunition and a typewriter to save my progress. Instead I was confronted with hoards of psychotic East European residents (or perhaps they hailed from Basingstoke, it’s hard to tell) intent on ensuring my demise.
Resident Evil 4 is the best game I’ve played in years. It’s available on the Playstation, but the beauty of the Gamecube is that a Zelda game is to be released in the Spring.
Sometimes a console is worth buying just for one game. The Gamecube may be worth buying for two. I am relishing the prospect of a swansong.
Christmas Day was ace. I went for a ride on my bike, scoffed some turkey, and sat down to watch Doctor Who. It’s great being twelve.
About old films
4 days ago
You know, I'm not usually easily disturbed but Resident Evil 4 just does my head in - in a similar way to those hideous EE peasants. I've played it once and haven't returned to it, to be honest, because I tend to like my games without decapitation. You don't get that kind of thing in Sonic. But being a fan of the rest of the series I know I'm going to and I'm going to get into it. *sigh*
Give it time Wyndham, give it time.
The other one I don't like is Farhenheit. That does my head in as well.
I got that as well! I may have a go at getting out of the bathroom, eventually.
I love my Gamecube - stuff all those PS & Xbox anoracks. My current fave game is Paper Mario, a fiendish platformer disguised as a kids game. Also recently got the Sonic Mega collection featuring all the Sonic games. I am still getting stuck in the same places as I was back in the early 90s!
Not so much a tantrum, more a foot stamping hissy fit.
And I hope you threw at least one tantrum?
Of course I threw a tantrum, you can't save your progress on a memory card on the early games.
Oh. My. God. You. Have.GOT. To. Be. Kidding.
How old are you, really?
You cheeky cunt. I've just finished playing for the nth time Goldeneye on the N64
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time is the best videogame ever made. EVER.
Res Evil is okay in comparison.
No videogame consule is obsolete (except the playstation). In fact all the Nintendo systems have games which still piss all over fucking Project Gotham Racing and it's samey samey ilk.
The last Zelda game for the Gamecube was okay - Wind Waker, but it did come with a bundle that included loads of old Zelda games. Inc the now rare Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (ace but bollocks hard).
Metroid Prime is also well worth getting on the Gamecube.
Sonic is for girls.
Oops, that was me - dunno what I did there.
Sonic is still for girls.
Res Ev 4 does have a good extra where you can decapitate against the clock.
I wholly agree with you on Zelda. The game's a work of art. Being a bit of a sad sack meself, I still dig it out now and again.
I've never owned a Graystation, and never will
We bought a gamecube this year too. And yes, it is great being twelve!!
we bought a gamecube too, *cough* for the kids.
Yeah, yeah, .... for the kids......
The Gamecube is a lovely thing indeed. People say that Nintendo is "for kids", when what they really mean is that they make games that are fun. And what's wrong with that.
You should get yourself a copy of Donkey Konga, and a set of congas. You can get it dirt cheap nowadays, and with a few mates and a couple beers it's unbeatable.
Oh, and Happy New Year, fella!
Good grief Garfer! Where have you been? It's almost been a week!!!
I still play on my N64. but am tempted to splash out on a second hand gamecube :o)
Hey lazy-arse! Post something new already!
I played Yahtzee on Boxing Day. With real dice. It's much easier to cheat than on a computer ("Wow, look everyone, by the fridge. The cat's coughing up something!" - then flip dice to more advantageous number).
Sounds boring, but Mario Golf is a BLAST! Mario Kart is pretty good too. Spongebob game is shite!
you're not still playing the gamecube are you?
Come now, man, enough is enough. Put down the game cube and get back on the computer.
I want to get out on my bike, but I've got nobody to play with.
Never been into video games, apart from space invaders. I suppose I quite liked Quake and Doom too. Anyway, Christmas is over now, put your things away and get blogging, you slack git.
I'm glad your scepticism abated. The most up to date game playing machine I own is an Amiga 1200 (I don't play games on my PC).
I've played on friends up to date machienes but Sensible Soccer is still the best game ever.
Oh yeah . . .
Scotland 16-0 Brazil
I get goosebumbs every time!
Come on!
I sold my old "Game and Watch" (Parachute) on EBay for £10 last month. I'm not even sure it cost that much to start with! Maybe it was Garfer who bought it, which is why he's AWOL...
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