Anyone who peruses this blog will be aware that I hold a fairly jaded view of politicians and their motives. It seems to me that most of them are self serving egoists who are more concerned with their own power and influence than the genuine wellbeing of the populace.
The current political glamour boy, David Cameron, strikes me as slightly creepy in a vaguely Blairish way. Perhaps he sees himself as a mini me to the great charlatan, and hopes to fill his boots by aping New Labour policies and political presentation.
Cameron has recently been pontificating on education. I find two of his statements frankly mystifying:
1) He believes that anyone who feels that they would benefit from higher education should have access to it. By this, I presume he means that innumerate dullards with the literacy skills of a twelve year old should be entitled to rack up £15K debts in pursuit of a useless qualification for which they are not intellectually equipped in the first place.
Maybe I’m missing something, but this strikes me as not only counterproductive, but also profoundly immoral.
2) He has ruled out any form of selection, and will not allow the establishment of any new Grammar schools. Fair enough, no one believes that a return to dividing children into academic successes and failures at the age of eleven is appropriate, but some form of selection (perhaps from the age of 14) is vital if the most able children are to be academically challenged.
If all a Tory leader is capable of doing is imitating New Labour policies in the hope of electoral success, then frankly he isn’t worth a vote. He either has no political principles, or has a hidden agenda that he is concealing from the electorate.
To crown it all, he looks like the kind of slippery devil that has his wife rub him down with baby oil before he gets into his jim jams.
Not my cup of tea at all.
But look, he's got a halo!
Positively cherubic isn't he?
The smug wanker.
Positively cherubic isn't he?
The smug wanker.
Not to mention his recent back track on student fees. One of his main policies for getting elected leader was to abolish student fees only to take it back with the line "Well the money's got to come from somewhere"!
It boggles the mind!
He must assume that the electorate are stupid.
He might be onto something.
no no no no NO.
You're all being hypocritical. Of Garfer's 2 points, what Cameron is proposing is (by definition) much better than Labour or Lib Dem on the first point (by you're own admission - there's no one who agrees with you in the main political parties).
And on the 2nd point, you're right, but it's still against what the entire UK educational establishment has been about for the last 20 years, and if selection at 14 is OK (which I think it is) then surely the Tories have to tread softly about the issue and say their arguments in slow time. Or else the self same bloggers would accuse him of "lurching" to the right etc etc.
Let's give him a chance compared to the other 2 parties, not against some absolute ideal. If someone had the perfect party, you's all be voting Merkin...
Glamour boy? As in handsome?
I'm not seeing it.
Merkin for Dictator I say.
Let them eat jelly babies and quit their moanin'.
I've always said that what we need is an absolute monarchy, backed by a military junta, with an aggressive foreign policy advocating the frequent use of tactical nuclear weapons.
I agree with Bronwen...and may I add 'ewww'?
No doubt he said that about access to higher education and no selection process because he's an Old Etonian and "the man on the street" is supposed to suspicious of him. He's trying to prove he's not an elitist really ...
Oh, and face it, most parents think their children are geniuses who might be "hampered" by the eduation system. Won't it be great when every bloody teenager in Britain is doing a Media Studies course?
Yes his head reminds me of a suppository.
That's the head on his shoulders.
He looks like he graduated from "Hick University". Gu-huh, gu-huh....
Now your talking FT.
*longs for scent of Spanish Sabatini sweat*
Anna Kournikova is overated.
I'm a Gabrielle man meself
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