I like lots of things: fast cars, loose women, kebabs drenched in chilli sauce, pork pies, P J Harvey. These are all great pleasures, but fade into insignificance when compared with the wonderful 6X beer produced by the Wadworths Brewery, Devises, Wiltshire.
I’m not really your real ale type. I don’t have a beard, wear dungarees, or have a beer gut. I just like good beer; lots of it. Living in Scotland I can only get 6X in bottles: an acceptable substitute, but not a patch on a hand drawn pint in a Devon pub.
As a student, 6X provided my major source of calories and vitamins. Augmented by the occasional carton of fried rice from the Happy Valley Chinese takeaway, Bath, it provided all the energy required for lying in bed until midday, and whiling away the hours until opening time.
I’ve never felt healthier before or since: I was positively blooming with vigour. All this ‘eat five veg a day’ stuff is obviously utter bollocks. The powers that be should be providing small bottles of 6X for primary school children, thus inculcating them in the delights of a healthy balanced diet.
Apparently there are tribes in the Amazon rain forest that don’t regard beer as a drink: they consider it to be a food. Clever people these Amazonians. Sting would do them a damn sight more good shipping them some 6X than wittering on about the depletion of the rainforest.
Wadworths 6X rules.
I hate beer.
Thoughts of beer make sick people feel even sicker.
I drink lots of beer and am consequently never sick.
Think on.
Beer makes me feel nice.
And then nasty the next day, and since I got in my 30's depressed the day after that.
I don't drink anywhere enough of beer.
I don't drink beer much, can't my lady friend drinks all the beer in the fridge before me.
I don't think PJ is Wadworth 6x drinker to be honest.
Maybe Snakebite and black in the early days, but not now.
Yeah, but if the amazonians got all the 6X, what would you do?
Beer is good. Good beer is good and it does make you feel nice up to about the 5th one. As far as I can remember at least.
I think PJ Harvey seems more of a brandy and babycham.
P J drinks a gallon of rough cider and then sings '50 Ft Queenie'.
Whadda gal.
Not anymore Garfer... not anymore.
oh course its a food!!
beer is made from hops, hops are 'like' a vegetable therefore beer is a vegetable. really.
Logical thinking Kyahgirl, logical thinking.
I think you should start up a micro-brewery. It would beat drinking that Coors shite.
Kyahgirl - love the way you're thinking. Kind of like, chocolate is a vegetable because it comes from beans and beans are vegetables.
I detest beer. It tastes like horse piss smells. I've been around enough stables to know.
This is worse than the cider conversation.
I like BEER: now fuck off and die.
I used to like cider but don't even like that anymore. Horsepiss is right. Beer tastes like horse piss - I agree.
I like sushi.
Oooh, touchy? You beer lovers should be happy when someone says they hate it - all the more for you!
Feck off yourself, sweetie.
one can pluck facial hair; one plucks my beer and i'll make one cry like a little bitch, you want ugly.
I love beer, me. Northfork Stout, Bay Brewery Amber, Skagit Valley Extra Dark and the homecrafted Christmas brew our buddy makes...a man gifted by the brewery gods, I might add.
So yeah, beer. it's good.
Cider too.
As a woman who is often to be seen with a pint (usually lager, sorry, but sometimes Guinness) I'm am off to hunt down Graham Beecroft and beat him about the head with my handbag.
I can't believe you forgot the pleasure of smoking??
Pinto O' Guinness please!
Dave likes the Black and Tans. I made them for him once. I didn't parktake though. Not much of a beer person meself, but y'all are welcome to my share!!
Where's the whiskey?
Sarah's Ruby Mild is an excellent Black Country beer.
A brewery/restaurant in the Haight produces its own version in tribute - not so strong (this is CA) and a bit too cold but better than a slap round the face with a packet of pork scratchings. I think.
you've hit upon a great topic! look at us discussing beer ad nauseum!
Well, I'm going to go have a rye and pepsi but I still like beer.
I'll take a good rye thank you very much
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