I’ve been doing a lot of moping around lately; listening to long haired hippy singer/songwriters warbling to acoustic guitars and generally baring their souls.
I think it was during a Nick Drake track, or possibly nodding along to an excruciatingly doleful Leonard Cohen, that I suddenly thought to myself “sod this, what I need is some jump up and down brain dead rock music”.
I considered listening to Oasis, but they are a bit brain dead even for me. I briefly toyed with some Radiohead, but given their prog rock posturings over the last couple of years they didn’t cut the mustard either. Led Zep and the Who are too ancient to be worth mentioning these days, and P J Harvey is just a touch left field.
I decided that what I needed was some killer riffs, a squawking singer spouting cod sexist lyrics like his underpants were on fire, and a lead guitarist indulging in some turbo charged Chuck Berry guitar breaks. ‘The Darkness’ I hear you cry. Well no, I’ve never been one for men with screechy falsettos parading around in leopard skin leotards.
I settled on the original and best: AC/DC. The air guitarist’s idol, Angus Young, soon had me duck walking along the carpet like my dad down the disco circa 1975.
Some of the extreme American fundamentalists have a bit of a thing about AC/DC (see photo). They see them as emissaries of Satan, tempting wholesome youth into witchcraft and the like. These people should really get a grip, and appreciate that they were a bunch of boozy Aussie rockers taking the piss. That only one of them choked on their own vomit after over imbibing is, frankly, a miracle.
Since when has ‘effeminate hair’ been a crime against humanity anyway?
For those about to rawk, I salute you.
God I love AC/DC for mindless entertainment! They're the best for taking your mind off of things you have to do but don't want to: housework, working out, blowjobs...
Yeah, the singer from the Darkness is a twat, but I really love the band behind the voice. Such raw grungy guitar - oooh, yeah baby!
If I want to get the HOUSEWORK over with really quickly, I play da Ramones....
Dorty deeds an der don durt sheep!
Dorty deeds an der don durt sheep!
Dorty deeds an der don durt sheep!
Dorty deeds an der don durt sheep!
Yeah....dang. dont nobody do it like that no mo'.
Nazis, skinheads and Harry Potter - all the same really...
Where would we be without American Fundamentalist Christians, eh?
Harry Potter has been known to talk to snakes. What more do you need to know? The evil tyke.
Da Ramones were da business.
You listen to James Last, you do.
Ah... takes me back to me roller skating days!!!
What about Ozzy and his "Crazy Train"? That was ALWAYS the girls' speed skate!
thats cause you wanted to be shook all night long.
I'm with bronwen on this one... AC/DC is just great. I'm influencing my sprog - he just put some on his mp3.
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