I am sure that I am not alone in my disgust at the vile and degrading accusations levelled by MJ at the Barnsley based (but Jock ginger by origin) blogger Piggy.
What MJ fails to appreciate is that Piggy is a Tomorrow Person, a Homo Superior who deigns to grace us saps with the sagacity of his wisdom. Piggy is a sensitive type, much given to extemporaneous versification on the gritty streets of a rough northern town. He isn't known as the 'Bard 'o' Barnsley' for nothing I can tell you. Not only that, he feeds poor starving orphans and is a stout defender of the rights of elderly folk.
I suppose we should really feel sorry for MJ. She can't help the fact that she is an uncouth coonskin hat wearing backwoods Canuck whose idea of an evenings entertainment is pelting harmless racoons with empty beer cans. A vocabulary limited to the word 'eh' interspersed with grunts and simian gestures is also not to be envied. Perhaps this is why her posts contain more pictures of a vulgar and puerile nature than words.
Well, I'm glad to get that off my chest. It's about time poor Piggy had some defenders.
I like Piggy. He only comes over as being a cunt because he doesn't want people to know how clever and nice he is.
The Tomorrow People used to scare the shit out me. It was the titles.
Sapphire and Steele were better. Blonde birds with helmet haircuts do it for me every time.
I'd already suspected what Sniffy says i.e. that Piggy is nice.
Mind you he probably thinks 'nice' is the worst insult possible.
Let alone 'given to extemporaneous versification'.
*exits muttering assorted indecipherable grunts whilst scratching arse*
No racoons were harmed during my hasty retreat but a high heel was inserted up the arses of Mssrs. Piggy and Garfer.
As the Glaswegian saying goes 'it's nice to be nice'.
No raccoons may have been harmed but I'm sure the muskrats suffered grievously.
I've always been in love with Joanna Lumley.
Yes,cracking bird. Even if she is a bit frayed around the edges these days.
Frayed round the edges?
I'll get mj to give you a good spanking m'lad!
Ok, not so frayed. Just a few laughter lines here and there.
Quite a few.
Anyway (fave word)... I loved the Tomorrow People!
I can remember posing in my snake-belt in my bedroom, pretending I could 'jaunt'.
Of course, everything you said in this post is 100% correct.
Close escape, Garfer.
And Piggy?..pffffffffffffttttttt
I was only 11 years old (or thereabouts) at the time, MJ.
I don't know about Tomorrow People but I can tell you... I was throwing beer cans at the racoons the other night. The bastards were eating the cat food.
Why not eat the racoons? I'm, sure they're lovely barbequed.
Is Piggy And Tazzy Radio still going? I used to love that ... "ey ooop, we were at Gay Pride do on Ilkley Moor at t'weekend - the state of some of the crowd that turned ooop!"
Northern poofs always sound remarkably camp, particularly scouse ones.
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