I like to think of myself as a reasonably generous individual, always ready to lend a hand to needy souls. Unfortunately some people just take the piss and are in need of a good slapping. I'm thinking in particular of the guests a couple of years ago who booked a lodge for four and then arrived with a caravan. They seriously expected me to allow an additional three people to stay in the caravan.
Unbelievable, although I suppose I should have allowed them some points for chutzpah.
Here's some caravan hell.
About old films
4 days ago
I arrived at the chippy today 10 minutes before it opened and the woman waiting in front of me wouldn't shut up.
My friend said I looked like I was going to implode and suggested I might not be the best candidate for a European barge tour.
Having said that, I'd love to be stuck in a caravan with Graham Norton.
Are you on a Pogues kick today?
Mention here of "Dirty Old Town" and you commented on mine about "Rum, Sodomy and the Lash".
I was enjoying that so much I nearly forgot to come back. Yes - I actually giggled.
Just think what a laugh you might have had if you'd allowed those caravanners to stay.
Personally I would like to see caravans banned. It beats me why people enjoy staying in a tin shack and peeing in a chemical toilet.
It beats me why people enjoy staying in a tin shack and peeing in a chemical toilet.
Surely it's not a case of enjoying it. British people surely don't enjoy caravanning, it's just cheap. I'd rather stay home with a chocolate digestive myself.
Caravaners are the worst type of tourist. They don't spend any money, preferring to heat up tinned beans and sausages rather than eat out.
Is caravanning really such a cheap holiday? I think caravanners are the sort of people who like to gloat about the fact that they go on holidays which involve a lot of "hardship". Mind you, they also seem like the sort of people who just park up and then just sit outside the caravan for the next fortnight and call it a holiday. Not to be trusted at all ...
You just reminded me how much I miss those old reruns of Father Ted. "GOBSHITE!" sorry - had a Father Jack moment there...
I'm not a fan of caravan/camper vacations. I'd rather stay someplace where there's an efficient staff who will clean up after me and cater to my every need.
Yes betty, and they feel superior. So superior that they refuse to acknowledge the vast tail back of irate motorists in their wake.
It's not so bad over there Peevish, at least you have those vast Winnebagos which are bigger than the average British house. Lovely, if you can live with 4mpg.
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