The road to hell is paved with good intentions, a stitch in time saves nine, this is the best and worst of times.
The Royal Bank of Scotland has failed to reach its Government suggested lending targets because business and individuals prefer not to borrow but to repay the usurers. Bollocks, they won't lend a penny to any individual or business at a rate of at least 7% above base (0.5%) Call the bastards in and nationalise them, now.
Until we can borrow on reasonable terms there will be no investment and no job creation. Its time the moneylenders were put out of the temple for good.
About old films
4 days ago
Jimmy Boyle had easier repayment terms than the RBS, the miserable bloodsucking ringpieces.
I watched a very good pal of mine lose his health, his business, his home, and eventully his sanity because of the incessant repayment demands by the RBS.
I'll personally row a wee midnight boat out to the centre of the Loch and leave a heavy deposit wrapped in chains and an oul carpet on the bottom if I ever get the chance to meet the man at the top.
Quite - I used to work for the bastards and they made me wear a neon blue and neon green tartan uniform!
Griddling's too good for them.
I left because my conscience would no longer allow me to pretend our mortgages were doing our customers even the tiniest favour compared to many others they'd be better off with.
PoetL - I would have left because of the luminous Tartan trews.
I am here in belated agreement
Where are you?
Have you finally succumbed to Ms. Nations' Alice B. Toklas fudge?
Hope all is well.
Well they've got catwoman on their mind at the moment too don't forget (RBS employee I used to work with).
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