- French bloke in sharp suit walks into seedy hotel bedroom smoking a Gauloise.
- French bird lies recumbent on unmade bed.
- French bloke shags French bird.
- French bird stares at wall looking tres desole.
- French bloke and French bird smoke a Gauloise.
- Fin
About tradition, etc
3 days ago
And that is exactly why New Wave french cinema is the fucking best.
I love it.
I've just finished watching;
1. My Neighbour Totoro - animated flick by Hayou Miyazaki
2. The Birds - Hitchcock.
I love me films... so I'm serious about loving new wave.
I'm very very pretentious.
Did I spell pretentious right?
Fuck, I don't know... or care.
Good post btw
And did you watch 'To Have and Have not' this afternoon?
Did you fuck.
Lauren Bacall is up there in the Patti Smith, P J Harvey, Jade Goody stakes. She transcends them all.
Seen it loads already.
I'm more a maltese falcon man, although you're spot on with Becall - fox fox fox.
I think maybe you've gone a step far with Goody!! No one transends a Jade.
Mind you, I do go a bundle for a bit of Tippi Hedren.
Time was, every Saturday night you'd be able to watch a French film just like that on BBC 2 - no more. The only foreign movies you see now are on BBC4 and they all seem to be about Bosnian goat-herders. Another indication that UK telly has lost the plot. It's a great loss, culturally-speaking.
That's right Wyndham! Even I watched a few "European" films on a Saturday night when I was too poor (or too hungover) to go clubbing. Jules et Jim (as in D-Jim) and that Ingmar Bergman thing with the knight playing chess on a rock are a couple that I can remember. Fuck, I'm CRAP at films.
I used to go to an independent cinema in Bristol. They used to show lots of art house films.
It was quite strange, you had to walk through a Chinese restaurant to get to the foyer.
It was a total fire hazard. It's probably closed now.
Films in Bristol: sounds like a fun adventure!
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