..and after
It is very thoughtful of Keith Richards to express his grave concern regarding the drug addled antics of Amy Winehouse. Apparently he has warned her that should she continue in her decadent ways she will end up as wizened and haggard as him.
If I was Amy I wouldn't pay much attention as there are clear suggestions of pot, kettle, and black in Mr Richards pronouncement. Anyway, Amy is a bit of a munter at the best of times so I imagine that the prospect of aging disgracefully into decrepitude won't trouble her unduly.
If I was Amy I'd be more worried that I might end up falling out of coconut trees and tumbling from the ladder in my library. If Keith had kept using smack he would have spent most of his time comatose and not been tempted by dangerous exertions.
About Orlando
22 hours ago
Was he up that tree looking for his nuts?
The best advice Keef could have offered to Amy is to move to the depths of the Australian outback. If she did that, I wouldn't have to read another tabloid story about her or hear her godawful album and accompanying caterwauling in every shop I happen to be in. Actually, I'm sure shop owners put it on when they see me coming just to annoy me.
he probably wanted coconuts so he pelt Mick Jagger with them.
Indeed. She's almost as irritating as Pete Doherty and obviously has the intellect of a retarded flea.
Love that 'after' photo. Now that really is what you call a 'lived in' face.
Like a wedding cake left out in the rain.
I'd forgotten how georgeous Keith was when 'e were a lad.
I thought the second picture was Amy Winehouse.
I think Keith is a great Cautionary Tale. Scary!
Amy Winehouse... there aren't enough synonyms for "skanky" to describe that troll.
Was that a 'spot-the-difference'?
I couldn't find any!
He's got to be the ugliest person on the planet, hasn't he?
(apart from Maggie Thatcher and that stupid lop-sided face she's sporting at the moment)
He was a spotty Herbert when 'e was a lad.
As skankily skanky as a skank can be.
Leave the blessed Margaret alone. That helmet of hair proves that she was a God sent down to dwell among us.
I dunno. I've seen worse.
Not in the mirror I trust.
Have a lie down in a darkened room FN. It's the only way to escape this hideousness.
In all honesty, he didn't have much going for him to start off with.
Amy Winehouse. I wish she'd just go away.
Amy Winehouse. I wish someone would murder her live at the Brit Awards.
Maybe with a massive dose of cat shit, administered through the biggest syringe you have ever seen.
With a 10 gauge needle.
In the left eyeball.
It'd be watchable then.
Is that his Da he's smoking?
I'll show this picture to my children and tell them this is what they'll look like in 10 years if they do drugs.
*where's my eye cream?*
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