If God exists why are arses exactly the right height for kicking?
About fascination and muzzling
6 days ago
Spreading the gospel according to Tunnocks of Uddingston,Scotland; creators of the finest confection/biscuit known to mankind. Currently kebabless, rootless and temporarily boozeless.
They're not the right height if you're Ronnie Corbett.
Very true. I suppose he could always wear stilts.
Speaking as a shorterarse that Ronnie - I must say that I have no intention of wearing stilts so that you can kick my arse.
So There!
How about a pogo a stick?
I like a moving target.
If you bend at the knees, my arse will be exactly the right height for you to kiss.
I will be pleased to do so if you contribute £1 million to a charity of my choice.
You may pay this directly into my bank account.
I can, without difficulty, balance the existence of God and kicking arse.
But then, I wear bright coloured tights with peep-toe shoes.
My arse is the right height for alsations to lick, I'm told.
Whether this is true, or not, I wouldn't possibly know.
Kaz would, though.
What would a chair look like if our knees bent the other way?
see, i always thought that was one of the better proofs in favor of a personally involved God myself.
The concept of God for many is catharsis.
Whereas I just like to kickarsis.
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