There is a time, in every young mans life, when the dreaded year of 39 arrives. Waking in an arthritic fever of disconnected joints I shuddered, and checked that everything was functioning.
Remarkably enough everything was, so that’s alright then.
My mother has gone completely round the bend, my father is jumping up and down like a demented geriatric punk rocker with a wasp up his arse, and every morning I am confronted by a cat with a tumour the size of a golf ball on its neck. Life just doesn’t get much better.
Still, things could be worse, I actually managed to post something.
dont know if i want to be first, but here i is.
i have nothing clever to say or any good advice to give.
i am just glad that you are back.
please don't go away so long.
I'm glad tou agreed to take up your option on the year 39. You won't regret it, and if you like this year then we're happy to replace it with another one just like it next year.
But they do tend to be sequential.
I'm looking forward to my Saga Holidays Years.
A big stick and no mercy, that's my aspiration.
So glad you're alive and well, if only a wee bit older. 39 isn't so bad. I have it on good authority that a person can live quite happily well beyond that. I'm living proof :-)
Don't tell me you share a birthday with Piggy-that would be too ironic!! what day is it?
Happy Birthday G. I'm glad your kitty is still hanging in.
It happened to me the other day Garfer and I survived it. However, the thought of this being the last of my 30's is somewhat upsetting... that and the fact that grey hair has popped up on my head from somewhere.
Hey Garfer Baby! I just turned 37 today so I say to you my fellow April birthdayian, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
So, are you ever going to write the continuation of the story Bronwen tapped you for?
Love ya Ducks!
Very late birthday greetings, although it sounds is if you're going through one of the troughs rather than the peaks of life at the moment.
There is life after 39, although you become increasingly philosophical about getting older and your mind and body starting to malfunction.
Happy Birthday Garfy.
Chin up.
It just gets more depressing.
Does that mean you just celebrated a birthday then?
Such is life, and you put it so eloquently too!
I'm so glad to see you back posting that I don't care if you continue the story or not! I missed you - don't do that again!
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