Some people have a talent but never make use of it. I imagine that those of us (unlikely in Bloggerdom) lucky enough to have the potential to be a gifted concert pianist or an internationally acclaimed artist would seize the opportunity. Those who do exploit their talent are to be applauded. Hats off to them I say.
Stephen Fry is multi talented. He dashes off a libretto before breakfast, completes a screenplay before lunch, writes a novel in the afternoon, and appears on stage in a critically lauded play during the evening. He has a brain the size of Venezuela. To crown it all he is also a profoundly decent and likeable human being.
What an annoying bastard.
Thankfully he has a wonky nose and suffers from manic depression. This is, I suppose, of some consolation to the rest of us pathetic inadequates.
About Orlando
21 hours ago
My home is too small to accommodate a brain the size of Venezuela so I consider myself lucky.
Well, if there weren't people in the world who were talented and sucessful it would give me less reason to feel jealous, bitter and resentful. And then I would get so complacent that I wouldn't carry on living (probably a good thing, some people would say).
My brain has been addled by hard living and alcohol.
What I wouldn't give for a smidgen of Fry's talent.
Yeah,he's a likeable big shite.
and to think the first thing I saw him in was an episode of The Young Ones.
I agree, he is a thoroughly decent and interesting cove. I wouldn't swap my complete lack of talent for his bipolar disorder, however - and neither would my imaginary friend, Trevor.
He's an ugly bastard and he sweats a lot.
And have you ever heard him rap? Bet he's not so good in that department.
Kaz - hilarious with the rap thing!
My sentiments exactly. He may be very interesting and erudite and blah di blah but you wouldn't shag him would you? Yes I know he likes boys but if I was a boy I wouldn't shag you know what I'm getting at.
No,definitely not male model material, and he's developed a second chin.
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