Thursday, January 07, 2010

Shoot the Aged

I have been roped in to the point of strangulation just because I have a quad bike and a couple of chain saws. This is most discomfiting because this week was supposed to be a wipe out.

Unfortunately its turned out to be a white out. The crumblies have been shivering grievously so those of us males who are supposedly hale and hearty have been told to get chopping.

This we have done gladly, in the sure and certain knowledge that a large dram for each of us will be guaranteed when we deposit some logs for their hearths.

Nobody can claim that we are not altruistic to a fault.


KAZ said...

Remember what happened to Ozzie.
Lovely bit of geetar there.

Arabella said...

You are Good King Wenceslas and I claim my five pounds.

Barlinnie said...

I'm still trying to think where the hell you can use chainsaws and quadbikes in Easterhoose.

Madame DeFarge said...

I am impressed by your efforts in altruism. Could you come to Derbyshire for a small fee?

The Poet Laura-eate said...

Good on you Garfer!

Gotta justify that quad bike somehow after all.
