'Apparently countless numbers of iliterete and inumerete skool levers are having dificulty obteining Uniniversity places this year,
I think this is a tragidy what with the riccison and that. Enybody with an gramme of since can see that this is nuncence. We us more than capible for working for BT. We has wurked hard in getting A's in flour arranging and surfing studys so I see no reason why us showdnt be given a chance on at least a £50K starting saliry with free txts'.
Britney Jordan
I blame Bebo, although having said that I did score a cracking bird from Kilmarnock the other night.
Edukation, edukation, edukation.
Thanks Tony.
About fascination and muzzling
6 days ago
Dear Britney
I am delighted to note your correct spelling of the word gramme.
I'm sure you would make an excellent science teacher.
You can't blame Tony for everything. Most youngsters are ilittterate here in the US - no idea why since Bush has such a wonderful way with words. lol
"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." --Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004
the scent of a convent?
Fizzics presumably
Bushie and Oscar Wilde. Are they related?
Enuneceate peoperley theirs a deer.
i blem the gubberment.
we is reverring to gibbering.
ivolushion is goin' bacwazz
Enlee prob iz we goin ta bee toooo
stoopid to vote so will all bacfiar.
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