Huckster Hoogstraten
I was gratified to learn that the repulsive psychotic Nicholas van Hoogstraten is facing damages of £10 million. He has lost the Civil action brought by the family of one of his erstwhile business associates who was brutally murdered, apparently on Hoogstraten’s orders.
He has to be one of the most repulsive individuals living in Britain. The origins of his vast wealth lie in property investments in Brighton during the late 1960’s. At that time property with sitting tenants could be purchased dirt cheap as the tenants had rights of occupancy.
Hoogstraten took considerable delight in threatening tenants with physical violence if they did not vacate the properties. Many of these people were elderly or vulnerable, not that this was of any concern to Hoogstraten. In one instance, one of his goons shoved a handkerchief smeared with human excrement into the face of a female tenant.
He regards most people as vermin, and reserves particular contempt for women and, for some bizarre reason, ramblers. He is the kind of sociopath who poses a profound danger to anyone with whom he comes in contact. Naturally he has fawning acolytes, which is not surprising given his enormous wealth.
The only good news before today’s court ruling was the confiscation of his huge estates in Zimbabwe. Hoogstraten thought that licking Robert Mugabe’s arse would prevent him suffering the same confiscation of property as the white farmers in that country. More fool him. He failed to realise that we was dealing with someone as evil as himself.
He does seem to be quite a nasty bit of work, doesn't he? But I'm in no position to have a go at people for having sociopathic tendencies.
Wishing vile fates on disabilty scroungers, the Coca Cola Corporation, and people on mobility scooters is perfectly understandable.
This is not sociopathy. It is right thinking.
Thank you Garfer, I'm so glad that I count on you as a character witness when I'm sectioned.
Never fear, I believe they serve Haywards pickles in Broadmoor. Apparently they have a calming effect on the more disturbed patients.
well, I can imagine. I know from personal experience what happens to me when I can't find any of my delish vinegary snacks.
Yes pickles apparently provide great conductors for ECT therapy.
Well thats what Dr Benson told me.
Oh and yer man...he's a bastard.
What can you say about him beyond the fact that he is a vile bullying c*nt? A pity that he seems to have lived the majority of his life outside jail and raking the money in. Better late than never I suppose.
It am mystified why someone with his entrepeneurial ability should behave like a total bastard.
Presumably he is a sadist.
I use a Nikon Cooolpix 5600 (now deleted). Great lenses.
this is the kind of criminal who usually waltzes into Canada with no difficulty. Only war criminals and scumbags have an easy time. Anyone else who might legitimately contribute to the country are given a hard time .
on the subject of cameras, I have a Nikon coolpix 3200 which a great, fairly cheap digital. More than enough for what I need.
What camera does Nicholas van Hoogstraten use, then?
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